Tein EDFC Active / Active Pro Hex Bolt Documentation

Tein EDFC Hex Bolt Discontinuation Notice

Tein makes coilovers and suspension parts, but also sells EDFC. EDFC is a suspension adjustment system that uses GPS and vehicle speed sensor input to adjust the suspension. It was released in 2002 to the market. It's actually a really cool system, and inspired me to design my own suspension adjustment system. It does have its' limitations, like price, and vehicle and suspension manufacturer compatibility however.

However, they've discontinued these hex bolts (Part Number: SAP44-P8463) that are pertinent to the installation of the system. When EDFC starts up, the motors don't know where they are in their travel, so they turn the knob on the suspension to "full hard". By this I mean the harshest ride quality setting. The hex bolts that come with Tein suspension are too short, and you might ruin your coilovers by turning past the harshest setting.

Shipping Baggy With Part Number

I didn't want this system to die, so I purchased a set of these hex bolts, and wanted to publish their specifications so people trying to use a cool setup like this will be able to have them made if they can't buy them online anywhere.

Top View

Angled Top View

Bottom View

Side View

I did model the hex bolt in TinkerCAD. I didn't use my Solidworks for this, so some of the dimensions are off because of the screw part, but it might give you a better idea what it looks like if you need more context. Trust the dimensions listed under "specs" more. This is just a visualization in 3D space. In case I need to say it, this is too small to 3D print and use. It would need to be made in a lathe, or a mini-lathe.

My Model Of The Hex Bolt


  • Material: Steel
  • Tool Type: 3mm Allen Key / Hex Key
  • Tool Depth: 5.50mm Hex Key Hole
  • Total Height: 10.50mm
  • Thread Pitch: 1.00mm
  • Thread Turns: 7
  • Threaded Part Diameter: 5.90mm
  • Threaded Part Height: 7.25mm
  • Bottom Part Diameter: 4.50mm
  • Bottom Part Height: 3.25mm
Thanks for checking out my article, I hope this helped you out.

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